To commemorate Memorial day we are offering 20% off on all certifications and renewals May 23-31st CODE: MDAY24

The Wonderful World Of Edibles And PA Medical Marijuana Laws


In early 2022, Mississippi became the 37th state to legalize medical marijuana. Legalization is just the first step in a months-long process before it reaches dispensaries and citizens. Pennsylvania marijuana laws came to fruition long before Mississippi. However, the laws are still changing, and knowing what medical marijuana forms we can buy makes all the difference […]

CBD vs THC: Your Ultimate Guide To The Medical Benefits

cbd vs thc

Did you know that approximately 6.8 million adults suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)? Along with this increase in anxiety, about 50 million adults also suffer from chronic pain. Together they make up for over 40% of all groups of people in the United States and these numbers continue to increase. Do you suffer from […]

Medical marijuana certification is a new beginning

medical marijuana certification in pennsylvania

Let’s talk about medical marijuana certification and re certification processes. I cannot tell you how important it is. It can be very confusing. But it is necessary to have access to the medicine you may need. What happens when I try to get certified? Typically, when patients come in to get a medical marijuana certification, […]